BLOCK CHAIN IN MARKETING Even in this modern era, people are reluctant to embrace change and they often see it as a burden, rather than an advantage. But in today’s digital age, this picture is beginning to change and people are adapting the changes. The latest technology that has evolved is the Block chain technology. WHAT IS BLOCK CHAIN? The recent sensation world-wide is “Bit coin”, which is the raison d'etre of Block chain Technology. Basically it is the brainchild of a person known by the pseudonym “Satashi Natamoto”. The important feature that makes Block chain technology a great success is that it allows digital information to be distributed and shared but not copied and hence the backbone of internet was created. Now a days people demand for “digital truth”. The kind of digital truth that the Block chain provides is distributed, immutable and survivable. In block chain, the digital records are stored in a sequentially grouped dependent manner. Therefore, ...